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Re: playing MP3s with xmms

>>>>> "AM" == Alexis Maldonado <dymsacr@racsa.co.cr> writes:
    AM> Have the same card here.
    AM> Can you play audio with other apps? Like splay?

Hmmm, haven't heard of splay. I basically only tried playing audio CDs -
mainly using wmcdplay and xmcd. Without any problems.

    AM> Did you make the devices for the card?

    AM> You can do it like this:

    AM> cd /dev ./MAKEDEV audio

I hadn't done that before. Just did that now, but xmms still can't play
I am using xmms- from potato. The error dialog says "Couldn't open
audio", Please check that:

 1. You have the correct output plugin selected
 2. No other programs is blocking the soundcard
 3. Your soundcard is configured properly.

I have enabled two input plugins: CD Audio Player 0.9 (libcdaudio.so), and
MPEG Layer 1/2/3 Player (libmpg123.so).

The output plugin selected is: OSS Driver 0.9 (libOSS.so) which is
configured to use the default audio device and the default mixer device
(there aren't any other choices available other than the default devices).
I am using kernel 2.2.12.

Not sure what to try next.

Salman Ahmed
ssahmed AT interlog DOT com

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