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Re: getdate


On Sun, 10 Oct 1999, Greg Wooledge wrote:

> I've found a problem(*) with Debian's hwclock.sh scripts.
> jekyll:~$ /bin/ls -1 /etc/rc*.d/*hwclock*
> /etc/rc0.d/K25hwclock.sh
> /etc/rc6.d/K25hwclock.sh
> /etc/rcS.d/S50hwclock.sh
> Mine are modified.  The hwclock.sh links in rc0.d and rc6.d are called
> when you're shutting down or rebooting.  The ones that Debian put there
> start with an "S" (S25hwclock.sh), which means they're called with
> a "start" parameter when shutting down or rebooting.  This does the
> opposite of what you want it to do -- it reads from the hardware clock.
> By renaming them to start with "K" (as above), I made sure they *write
> to* the hardware clock when I'm shutting down.

Logical, but wrong. If you check /usr/doc/sysvinit/README.runlevels.gz,
you'll see the following. Note in particular the second paragraph.

===start quote===

5. Halt/reboot

   Going to runlevel 0 or 6 will cause the system to be halted or 
   rebooted, respectively. For example, if we go to runlevel 6 (reboot)
   first all /etc/rc6.d/KXXxxxx scripts will be executed alphabetically
   with "stop" as the first argument.

   Then the /etc/rc6.d/SXXxxxx scripts will be executed alphabetically
   with "stop" as the first argument as well. The reason is that there
   is nothing to start anymore at this point - all scripts that are
   run are ment to bring the system down.

   In the future, the /etc/rc6.d/SXXxxxx scripts MIGHT be moved to
   /etc/rc6.d/K1XXxxxx for clearity.

====end quote====

> (*)Hey, where's my bug?  I sent it in... I know I did, because I got
> a copy.  But it doesn't appear to have been received.  Hmm... I'll
> resend it.

If you got the reply email (the thing that says which bug number you
submitted, among other things), your bug has been recieved. Did you check
the timestamp on the bug database 
<http://www.debian.org/Bugs/db/ix/zstamp.html> to see if it has been
updated since you sent your report in?

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  finger for PGP public key.

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