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Problem resolving $(hostname) with DHCP

I've just moved to a site where they use DHCP with W95 clients.
I've managed to configure my (and a colleague's) good ol' Hamm to
insert in the network with dhcpcd 0.70-5 but some problems
remain :

>From   To     Operation   Results
-----  -----  ----------  -------------------
Linux  NT     SMTP        OK
Linux  NT     POP3        OK
Linux  AIX    HTTP        OK
Linux  NT     HTTP        OK
Linux  AIX    ftp         ftp prints "connected to xxx" then hangs
Linux  Linux  ftp         ftp prints "connected to xxx" then hangs
W95    Linux  ftp         ftp prints "connected to xxx" then hangs
Linux  W95    ping        OK
Linux  Linux  ping        ping hangs
Linux  W95    traceroute  OK
Linux  Linux  traceroute  traceroute hangs

Getting the IP address from the DHCP server seems to work fine.
The DNS server apparently contains only the addresses of the
various servers, not the addresses of the clients that get their
address through DHCP. In our /etc/hosts, there's only "

Note: my colleague (who uses the second Hamm machine) has told
me friday morning that he had solved the problem by putting
"3273.xxx.tm.fr" instead of "jf" in /etc/hostname. I've tried to
do a similar operation on my machine ("aym3" -> "3275.xxx.tm.fr")
but it did NOT solve the problem. Besides, on his machine, the
problem returned at noon ! (The numbers 3273 and 3275 are the W95
machine names assigned to our respective boxes by the local

I've used tcpdump -s 500 -x udp port 67 or port 68 to see what's
happening during a ping. Results :

1) during a (successful) ping of a W95 box : no DHCP traffic.
   Immediate response. Everything's fine.

2) during a (failed) ping of a Linux machine (from 3275.xxx.tm.fr
   to 3273.xxx.tm.fr): 6 packets were captured. I'm showing only
   the headers here, the dumps are too large.

  13:48:48.767452 ntras.xxx.tm.fr.bootpc >
  hlen:16 xid:0x6048de27 vend-rfc1048 T53:3
  T50:268570796 HN:"NTRAS^@"

  13:48:48.857452 ntras.xxx.tm.fr.bootps >
  hlen:16 xid:0x6048de27 Y: vend-rfc1048 T53:5
  T58:2214789120 T59:654704640 T51:134676480 T54:33558700

  13:49:57.787452 > ntras.xxx.tm.fr.bootps:
  xid:0x2930ca0c C: vend-rfc1048 T53:3
  T61: HN:"3239-^@" T55:252052225,959393324

  13:49:57.857452 ntras.xxx.tm.fr.bootps >
  xid:0x2930ca0c Y: vend-rfc1048 T53:5 T58:2214789120
  T59:654704640 T51:134676480 T54:33558700 SM:
  DG:routasni.xxx.tm.fr NS:tintin.xxx.tm.fr,ntras.xxx.tm.fr
  DN:"xxx.tm.fr^@" T44:16781484,33558700 T46:8

  13:50:08.307452 3266.xxx.tm.fr.bootpc > tintin.xxx.tm.fr.bootps:
  xid:0xb4a0d4a0 C:3266.xxx.tm.fr vend-rfc1048 T53:3
  T61: HN:"3266^@" T55:

  13:50:08.357452 tintin.xxx.tm.fr.bootps > 3266.xxx.tm.fr.bootpc:
  xid:0xb4a0d4a0 Y:3266.xxx.tm.fr vend-rfc1048 T53:5 T58:2214789120
  T59:654704640 T51:134676480 T54:16781484 SM:
  DG:routasni.xxx.tm.fr DN:"xxx.tm.fr^@"

Does anyone understand why the Linux machines can't ping
themselves or each other ? Thank you for your help.

André Majorel <amajorel@teaser.fr>

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