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Re: Modem speed


I'll guess that ISP 1 has 56K modems on their end, and ISP 2 has 33.6K
modems.  Or, the loop between you and ISP 2 is not fit for the digital
communication required for 56K, so the modems fall back to 33.6K

What sort of tests have you done to verify the speed of the links?  I
would think that observing the turn-around times on pings to the gate-
ways of each ISP should give a pretty good indicator of the line speed.
Perceived differences in throughput beyond that are more likely the
result of the ISP's internal network and Internet connection.


Marc Mongeon <mongeon@bankoe.com>
Unix Specialist
Ban-Koe Systems
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   -- David St. Hubbins and Nigel Tufnel of "Spinal Tap"

>>> Christian Dysthe <cdysthe@oddbird.dyndns.org> 09/29/99 04:07PM >>>

I am running Debian Potato with wmppp.app as dialer. I am using a
Diamond SupraExpress external modem (great modem for Linux btw!) to
connect to my two ISP's.

I have wmppp.app set to report the speed I connect at. 

On my first ISP I get connects between 42600 and 44000 (accrding to
wmppp.app), on the other ISP ALWAYS 33600. At least that it what is
reported because the ISP that shows the slowest connection is the
fastest one to use for me. I have run tests online that show that this
is true, so I assume that what the second ISP reports must be wrong
(especially since it ALWAYS shows 33600, never below and never above).

Can anyone tell me why this is? I have been playing around with another
modem, and also with init strings, but the result is the same. The only
difference between the two ISP's is that the first one is using a modem
pool while the other one is using CISCO 5200.


Christian Dysthe
E-mail: cdysthe@oddbird.dyndns.org 
Web: http://oddbird.dyndns.org/cdysthe/ 
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