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Re: hd to hd copy?

  There's been some discussion recently of how to move partitions
  around.  You might search the archives.  A fresh install is not
  required! One of the biggest gotchas to moving around your partitions
  will be modifying your /etc/fstab and LILO so you can reboot properly.
  First, you'll want to decide how to partition the new drive. Then do
  so. Then mount each partition in turn that you want to use and do
  something like the following (other methods work as well)
  $ mount -t ext2 /dev/hdb1 /mnt
  $ cd /var # for instance
  $ tar cf - . | (cd /mnt; tar xvpf -)
  Then edit your /etc/fstab to add something like:
  /dev/hdb1	/var	ext2	defaults	0	0

  If you move your / and /boot around you'll have to update your lilo
  configuration and then run /sbin/lilo.

  Suggested reading: mount, tar (or cpio), fstab, lilo, lilo.conf,
  fdisk, http://www.pathname.com/fhs

  You should probably do this in single user mode. Also, you might make
  your changes incrementally. For instance, try moving something
  non-critical like /usr/local and then make sure everything is working
  okay. Note, you need to maintain empty directories under / as your
  mount points.
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