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Hello out there!

I recently set up a mail server in the office running slink. 

The mail is fetched from one pop address using fetchmail. I then use
exim & procmail to delicer the mails to several mail folders.

Mail is read using imap. (I installed the imap package from
main/mail). The clients are Outlook Express 5 on Win 9x.

The problem I have is performance. Sine we get not many but large
mails (around 3 megabyte each), a single file mailbox seems not to be
a good idea.

I managed to setup procmail to deliver to mail directories (the ones
with cur/ new/ and tmp/) but the imapd does not support this mailbox

Is there a way to configure imapd so that it does support this format
or can anyone name me an alternate imapd?


Weasel                         http://www.cosy.sbg.ac.at/~ppalfrad/
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     A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and
    can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words.

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