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Re: Colors configuration in mutt. How to do it?

Wojciech Zabolotny [wzab@ise.pw.edu.pl] wrote:
> Hi All!
> A few months ago I used PINE and I love'd it because of the wonderfull
> black-on-white layout which it used on my xterm (though still white-on-black
> on my console).
> Because of some licence inconveniences I've decided to switch to mutt, which
> is quite good (although lacks some features, eg. forwarding of the message

	Lacks some features?? I don't think so. What kind of *features*
	are you expecting??

> with all headers - very usefull for reporting of mail abuses), but always

	In that case, you will want this:

### forward_weed
### Type: boolean
### Default: set 
### When set, message headers will be weeded when forwarding a decoded version of
### the message. 
unset forward_weed

> uses black background both on console, and on the xterm.
> The white-on-black characters are almost illegible on most the monitors I use 
> (some of them are really good), so I have to switch to the lower resolution, 
> or use xterm with a REALLY-BIG-FONT

	Which version of mutt are you using? Have your tried the

	 export TERM=xterm-color; mutt

	You can also customise color highlighting in just about anyways
	you want. Some of mine looks like this:

# colors
color indicator black cyan
color status    brightgreen blue
color hdrdefault cyan black
color header    brightgreen black ^From:
color header    brightcyan black ^To:
color header    brightcyan black ^Reply-To:
color header    brightcyan black ^Cc:
color header    brightblue black ^Subject:
color body      brightred black [\-\.+_a-zA-Z0-9]+@[\-\.a-zA-Z0-9]+
color body      brightblue black (http|ftp)://[\-\.\,/%~_:?\#a-zA-Z0-9]+
color quoted    green black
color attachment brightyellow black
color signature cyan black
color tree      red black
color tilde     blue black
color markers   brightred black

Hope this helps.


Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _               _____
Department of Communications    / __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _ 
University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` |
Sydney, Australia               |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |
Email: shao@cia.com.au                                                  |___/ 

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