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Re: Dying services due to low memory?

On Sat, 18 Sep 1999 15:21:28 -0400 (EDT), William T Wilson wrote:

>On Sat, 18 Sep 1999, Ralf G. R. Bergs wrote:
>> modules or overclocked CPUs.) Memory usage is permanently about 99%, swap 
>> usage only a few percent. But obviously processes are dying because they 
>Then you are not running out of memory.  The kernel likes to leave all the

Well, this is what I initially thought too. Once upon a time :) I learnt 
that under a system that uses virtual memory swap is as good to a process as 
RAM (apart from access time, of course.)

Therefore in theory if I make my swap file large enough I should be fine, 
and no process should ever die from memory shortage. Right?

Ok, I will substantially increase my swap memory on one machine from 64 MB 
to 128 MB (48 MB RAM) and check whether it makes a difference.

>memory allocated.  It uses it for a disk cache and just gives it to user
>programs as necessary.  You'll get "can't get a free page" messages on
>console when you really start to run out.  Normally this will happen when

I can't see console output because the machine in question doesn't have a 
console. I only occasionally plug in a serial cable connected to a 
workstation in the same room (if I goofed really bad :-)

>> I need a high availability of my machines, and having to constantly
>> check and possibly restart services is not acceptable. :-(
>What is the problem with your inetd?

It simply dies, as do several other services, like Apache, SNMP, Samba, etc.

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