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Re: when must I reboot?

On Fri, 17 Sep 1999, Rob Mahurin wrote:

> I'm a little curious as to under exactly what circumstances a reboot
> is actually necessary.  I know a reboot is necessary to load a new

Internal hardware and kernel changes.

> difficulty.  I've heard that if you shut down gpm and X and any other
> rodent-listening programs you can also change the mouse without any
> problems.  I'm guessing there's a way to do this with the keyboard or
> the monitor, if maybe you could remotely shut down the console or

You can do this with anything that plugs into the back, except SCSI, I
think (and that would probably work too if you unloaded the driver for
your SCSI card first).  I have my mouse, monitor, and keyboard on a switch
box so they can control two computers.  As a result they're only plugged
in to one computer at a time.  Works fine.  You don't need to reboot or in
fact do anything special at all to change ethernet and/or telephone
cables.  Multimedia cables likewise.  I don't know about USB, but it
probably works too.  Most stuff is pretty flexible about this sort of

> something.  I think you can do an "init 1" to get into single-user and
> do single-user things without losing uptime, even repartition a disk

Right.  Repartitioning a disk is tricky.  It's not really safe to
repartition your boot disk without rebooting.  Others are fine.  The boot
disk is fine most of the time too, given that you don't change your root

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