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Re: To the Debian Project, IMHO

On Tue, Sep 14, 1999 at 10:53:52AM -0400,  Raymond A. Ingles wrote:

> 1) Allow "quick install" from floppies
>         It'd be really nice to have a system for having a single package 
>         installed on a floppy, or set of floppies in a way where a user
>         can stick the disk in, and dselect would read and install whatever

What advantages would this have over "dpkg -i" other than checking
dependancies before installation?

> 2) "Simple" install
>         When trying to install debian, I am simply overwhelmed by the number
>         of packages I have to deal with, and I consider myself to have above
>         average knowledge of UNIX programs! When first installing Debian, 
>         a simple walkthrough of Q/A would solve most of these problems. 

This sounds like what the profiles/task lists are trying to do.

> 3) Insist on better package descriptions
>         When digging through packages, I'd frequently come across a package
>         I don't recognize. I can't even tell if it would be something I'd
>         want, because there's no description!

You can do this yourself already by report a bug against the packages 
or mailing the maintainers.  For whatever reason the description 
probably makes perfect sense to them and unless someone says something
they won't realise that people are having trouble with it.

Generally, if an individual package doesn't do something you'd expect
or could be improved the best thing to do is talk to the maintainer -
most will welcome useful suggestions, and it's much more likely to
achieve something than pointing out general trends.  

Mark Brown  mailto:broonie@tardis.ed.ac.uk   (Trying to avoid grumpiness)
EUFS        http://www.eusa.ed.ac.uk/societies/filmsoc/

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