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simple bind question

I'm in the process of moving my masq. firewall over to Debian
and leaving Slackware altogether, but I'm running into a "difference"
in the bind setup and I am curious about ramifications that I may
not forsee...

In my old named setup, (I think it was bind 8.1.2) I had a named.conf
which specified zones, each one with a zone file.

In the debian version (files generated by bindsetup or some such), it
has the named.conf file, but then uses these /var/named/boot.zones,
/var/named/boot.options, and a named.boot file, all of which I
suspect are leftovers from bind 4.

They don't have a man entry, the filenames don't show up in a grep of
/usr/doc/named/*, and being a lazy man, I figured Id go strait to
the list.

Now, my first impulse is to just delete them and setup my zonefiles
as I know how.  The million dollar question is : In what way is this
going to hose me when I need to update bind (assuming they ever fix
the licence. (:  )....


Jonathan Lupa

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