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Re: Automatic software installing (like Win. 2000)

> <sarcasm>
> You could just get really spiffy and rewrite glibc's exec*() calls to do
> all of this. Then when you execute a command as root, like accidentally
> typing ssh instead of sh, then all of the sudden you have an import/export
> restricted piece of software automatically installed on your system!

THat right when as root!! I don't like the feature to begin with, but
it would ONLY work properly when executed AS ROOT.. can you imagine
the inherit security risks of automatically installing software as root
without the administrator explicitly oking and asking for??
Plus for the feature TO BE USEFUL AT ALL you would have to be running
somesort of root privilages.. Doing everyday work AS ROOT???
I don't think so..


> Or better yet run some scripts that try to exec programs that aren't
> available and see how much you can overload your bandwidth!
> </sarcasm>
> Sorry, auto updating packages to the latest version is one thing, but auto
> installing is down right dangerous. Just because it's "nifty" and "easy"
> doesn't mean it's a good idea. Gee, Windows itself is "nifty" and "easy"
> isn't it? :)
> Ben
> --
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   All windows users evacuate the building!!!
         (So I can install a better OS on the comps)
Pass on the GAS get NASM instead.

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