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make-kpkg and 2.2.12

I actually managed to successfully build 2.2.11 with make-kpkg on the 
first try.   Hours later, the .12 patch came out, and I applied it  in /
usr/src/linux, and tried again.  But it bombs with:

if test -f debian/official -a -f debian/README.Debian ; then \
           install -p    -o root -g root -m 644 debian/README.Debian \
        debian/tmp-source/usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.12/README.Debian ; \
else \
    sed -e 's/=V/2.2.12/g' -e 's/=A/i386/g' \
                 /usr/lib/kernel-package/README.source > \
         debian/tmp-source/usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.12/README.Debian ; \
install -p    -o root -g root -m 644 .config debian/tmp-source/usr/src/kernel-so
chown -R root.root debian/tmp-source
chmod -R og=rX debian/tmp-source
(cd debian/tmp-source/usr/src/; tar zcf kernel-source-2.2.12.tar.gz kernel-sourc
            rm -rf kernel-source-2.2.12;)
dpkg-gencontrol -pkernel-source-2.2.12 -Pdebian/tmp-source/
dpkg-gencontrol: error: package kernel-source-2.2.12 not in control info
make: *** [stamp-source] Error 29

I've always used raw kernels, as I can rarely get make-kpkg to produce 
a kernel that does what I want.  Is there something I need to do 
besides apply the patch, make config and make dep, then run make-kpkg 



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