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Apache-SSL "suppresses" inlime images?


I have a very bizarre problem with Apache-SSL 1.3.3+1.29-2. Maybe one of you 
by chance can help me?

Ok, here we go:

I have a webpage that consists of static html pages, frames, inline images, 
and several Perl cgi scripts that dynamically create html pages. The server 
machine has two IP addresses: the external one visible from the Internet, 
and the internal one only visible from the LAN.

When I access the server internally (i.e. I establish a connection to its 
internal IP address) I've no problems whatsoever. But when people access the 
machine from the Internet (talking to the external IP) it often "forgets" 
inlime images, i.e. Netscape only displays the "broken image" symbol. When 
they click reload it often shows more images, and after they've clicked a 
couple of times all images are there.

The connection originates from the campus network and terminates in the 
campus network, i.e. there's no transmission problems, no network 
congestion. The connection is NOT a SSL connection, but a standard port-80, 
unencrypted http connection. I don't yet know whether things change if they 
use SSL because I've not yet asked them to try SSL. In the browser they're 
not using proxies, and by my instructions they've cleared memory and disk 
cache before trying to go to my page.

There's NO errors in Apache's log file. The access log file does NOT show 
that the client tried to GET the missing images. The other images that are 
being displayed DO appear in the access log file. That could either mean 
that the client -- for whatever reason -- doesn't request them, OR that the 
server doesn't log and fill the request.

Ok, that's bizarre, isn't it? Any ideas?!



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