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firewalling (ipchains) question


I'm playing around with firewalling a bit and would like to know if I got this little (not real world) task right:

I tried to setup the ipchains so that the only thing 'marvin' should be able to do is using smtp with host 'laus'.
Is the following correct for my wish?

ipchains -P input REJECT
ipchains -P output REJECT
ipchains -P forward REJECT

ipchains -F input 
ipchains -F output  
ipchains -F forward

ipchains -A output -j ACCEPT -i lo -s -d
ipchains -A input -j ACCEPT -i lo -s -d

ipchains -A output -j ACCEPT -p tcp -s marvin 1024:65535 -d laus 1024:65535 ! -y
ipchains -A output -j ACCEPT -p tcp -s marvin 1024:65535 -d laus smtp 

ipchains -A input -j ACCEPT -p tcp -s laus 1024:65535 -d marvin 1024:65535 ! -y
ipchains -A input -j ACCEPT -p tcp -s laus smtp -d marvin 1024:65535 ! -y

which results in:

marvin:/home/weasel # ipchains -L
Chain input (policy REJECT):
target     prot opt     source                destination           ports
ACCEPT     all  ------  anywhere              anywhere              n/a
ACCEPT     tcp  !y----  laus                  marvin                1024:65535 ->   1024:65535
ACCEPT     tcp  !y----  laus                  marvin                smtp ->   1024:65535

Chain forward (policy REJECT):
Chain output (policy REJECT):
ACCEPT     all  ------  anywhere              anywhere              n/a
ACCEPT     tcp  !y----  marvin                laus                  1024:65535 ->   1024:65535
ACCEPT     tcp  ------  marvin                laus                  1024:65535 ->   smtp

is this correct, did I miss something? 
anything wich might need improvement? 
and why does this not work with ssh? (if I substitute smtp with ssh)

Thank you for your help.

Weasel                    http://www.cosy.sbg.ac.at/~ppalfrad/
PGP encrypted messages prefered.   See my site for my PGP key.
   The software said Windows95 or better, so I got Linux...

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