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eth2 problem

Hi folks! 

   I'm configuring a firewall and I have 2 network
interface cards in the machine. Now I'm planning to
add a third card (ne2000) calling it eth2, because
I need to link it with another firewall directly. 
   At the time the /etc/init.d/network script runs
I get the following error message:

   SIOCADDRT: Invalid argument
   SIOCADDRT: Invalid argument
   SIOCADDRT: File exists
   SIOCADDRT: Invalid argument
   SIOCADDRT: File exists
   SIOCSIFADDR: Operation not supported by device
   eth2: unknown interface.
   SIOCSIFNETMASK: Operation not supported by device
   SIOCSIFBRDADDR: Operation not supported by device
   eth2: unknown interface.
   SIOCADDRT: Invalid argument
   SIOCADDRT: File exists

   I've tooken care in loading the correct modules, but
I don't know what is happening. 
   May anyone tell some sugestions about what I can do? 

   Thanks in advance.

Ivan J. Varzinczak - (mailto: ivan@inf.ufpr.br)
Bolsista PET/CAPES - Depto. de Informatica - UFPR
Curitiba - Parana - Brasil
Phone: +55 (041) 347-3240 - 267-5244 r.315


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