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Re: [Debian: Install] In relation to Debian FAQ 9.4

I have NOT used dpkg-split but looking at the man page (man dpkg-split)...
You probably want to create a directory (as root):  mkdir /var/lib/dpkg/parts
Copy the part files from the floppies to this location.  If there are MSDOS
floppies and you already have mtools then "cd /var/lib/dpkg/parts" followed
by "mcopy a:<filename> . " should work.  Else you will probably need to 
mount the floppy disk on the filesystem one at a time and use cp.

The command to recreate the package is _probably_:
dpkg-split --join <file1> <file2> <file3> (order should not matter)

You might be able to use the "-o <path><filename>" option/argument to
specify where you want the resulting package file to be written out.

In my own reading of the man page it seemed that the "--auto" command is
probably something that you do not want to do.

The dpkg-split --join command should reassemble the "part" to recreate
the original package file.

"dpkg -i <path><filename>" should install the package.

NOW THEN ALL of the above is based upon the idea that you already have a
WORKING debian installation on the target machine.  I am assuming that that
is the case since you were able to use dkpg-split in the first place but I
am completely confused (still) as to just what you are trying to do since
to have used dpkg-split you would have to have had the original package file!

To make an installation disk set you need to end up with a small stack of 
floppies containing "resc1440.bin", "drv1440.bin", & "base14.n.bin"
(currently 9 floppies for the slink distribution).

Note that if you have a Linux (or UNIX) system available then the easiest
way to do this is to download (or otherwise) get these files on the machine
and then use "dd" to make each floppy: 
dd of=/dev/fd0 if=[<path>]<filename>

Otherwise on a DOS box you need the "rawrite2.exe" program (read
rawrite2.txt which should be with the program).

The "canonical" location for all of these files (including rawrite) is 

On Sat, Aug 07, 1999 at 07:31:37PM +0100, Michelle Konzack wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a question in relation to the Debian FAQ:
>     9.4 How can I get/install the Debian from a set of floppy disks?
> I had read the complete FAQ but I do not find a answer.
> OK, I have splitted a package in smaler parts (dpkg-split) 
> and copied them to three Floppys.
> Now I want to know, how to install this 3 Floppys on my machine.
> What must I do with dpkg ???
> Must I copy the files first onto my machine and un-split them or...???
> Thanks for your help in advance
> Michelle

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