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Re: Setup Issues

Doug Young writes:
 > Would someone please tell me where to find info on the following .... can't
 > find
 > anything relevant in HOWTO's or MAN pages or that makes any sense to me
 > (1)   When I ping a remote site  ..... how to stop the stuff ??

ctrl-C will stop the output and return you to the command line.

 > (2) When I try to get Lynx working, it initially seems like its looking
 > for the URL but then it stops and gives a "can't access startfile" message.
 > I found the "lynx.cfg" file but the MAN page is really confusing and there
 > doesn't appear to be any sort of HOWTO on lynx

This means that the default URL for STARTFILE is not accessible. You can copy lynx.cfg to your home directory. Then look for a line starting with


Enter whatever URL you'd like after the colon (e.g., http://www.debian.org). Lynx will open to that URL when it starts.

Help for lynx is at /usr/doc/lynx/lynx_help/Lynx_users_guide.html on your Debian system.

Hope this helps.


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