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Re: network problem?

Timothy C. Phan wrote:
>   Every once in a while,  I see this message appear on my Debian
>   box.  Any idea, suggestion, comment?
>      eth0: Oversized Ethernet frame spanned multiple buffers <hex_number>
>   where hex_number is a 8 digits hex number.

Ethernet frames are limited by convention to 1500 bytes.  Either somebody on
your network is making big frames, or noise is causing two frames to be put
together and interpreted as one big one, or something weird is happening in
your networking code.  If the hex number is 48 bits long then it might be
the MAC address of the machine sending the big frames.

Are you at home where you KNOW there isn't any big frame work happening, or
are you at work where there might be somebody playing around with video over

Some of the 100 and gig ethernet proposals relax the 1500 byte limit...

Charles B. (Ben) Cranston

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