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Linux Hierarchy

In the FSSTND, section 4.5, it's said :

It is not recommended for /usr/etc to contain symbolic links that point
to files in /etc.  This is unnecessary and interferes with local control
on machines that share a /usr directory.

And on my machine, /usr/etc/mc.global is a symlink to /etc/mc/mc.global.
Is it really necessary ? 

They said also :

/usr/include/asm       Symlink to /usr/src/linux/include/asm-<arch>

and my /usr/include/asm is a directory with regular files.

It's the same for /usr/include/linux which should be a symlink to

Are this some bugs ?? I don't think but why not being FSSTND compliant ?

|    .                               ICQ      : 25529539
|    | |\  | |  | \  /               AIM      : linhax
|___ | |  \| |__| /  \               IRC nick : linhax
Sami Dalouche : samid@ifrance.com    DHIS     : pingoo.dhis.org

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