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Re: Correct way to select alternatives

>> "Kristopher" == Kristopher Johnson <nosleep@atl.mediaone.net> writes:

Kristopher> What is the correct way to switch between different
Kristopher> "alternatives"?  For example, currently my /usr/bin/vi
Kristopher> points to nvi.  What is the right way to change it to
Kristopher> point to vim or elvis?  I know how to use 'ln -s' to
Kristopher> create/change links, but I suspect that I should really
Kristopher> use 'update-alternatives' or some related mechanism.

If you want to manually override the alternatives mechanism, you
really use ln -s.

update-alternatives will recognise this, and not alter the link any

update-alternatives --auto <name> will recreated the automated link,
and automatic changes will be used again.

Alternatively, you could make a new alternative with a very high
priority pointing to your preference, but I would just do the symlink

Actually you can't know if you choose the priority high enough to make 
the entry persistant.


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