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unable to load nls charset cp437


I try to install debian 2.0 linux to my 386-PC, 4MByte RAM.
First at all I start with the lowmem-disk-image and create 3 hd-partitions

16MB   swap (82)
3MB    tempRoot (81)
181    root (83)

After that, I activate the swap space (according the install menu)
when activating the temporary root partition (partion 81) the system
asks for the rescue-disk.

After inserting the disk and press continue, the system reported the following error: 

unable to load nls charset cp437 (nls_cp437)

Error opening /mnt/root.bin!
Press <ENTER> to continue...

Error copying root filesystem
Press <ENTER> to continue...

A german keybord is connected to the PC. 
How can I install the system without using an US-keyboard?

Thanks for your help.


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