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Re: .bash_profile never read in X

[This message has also been posted.]
Okay, people pointed out to me that .bash_profile isn't *supposed* to
execute in an xterm unless a special flag is used.  Fine.

On further investigation, .bashrc *is* executing.  And I get this

</home/carlf>$ echo $PATH

. . . so why won't the xterm execute files in /home/carlf/bin unless
I prepend an explicit path to them?  I have a script,
/home/carlf/bin/newsguy, but typing just "newsguy" get me "command
not found", although ~carlf/bin/newsguy works fine.
Carl Fink		carlf@dm.net
"This fool wishes to reverse the entire science of astronomy." 
	-Martin Luther on Copernicus' theory that the Earth orbits the sun

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