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Re: Akkerman's idea of nonfree.debian.org

On Thu, 24 Jun 1999, Wyn Snow wrote:

[ snip ]

 : I suspect that putting contrib and non-free on a different server
 : will make it harder for newbies like myself to get packages with
 : apt and harder in general to find things.  If that's correct, I
 : think a different approach to making a clear distinction would be
 : better.

As a (busy) mirror maintainer, I can assure you that you are wrong.
Most users get packages from the mirrors, and the mirrors aren't going
to split off new hostnames.  The distinction is an "official" one, made
on the "official" debian server(s).

Therefore this is a political statement rather than a technical one; one
which will have little effect on end users, IMO.

Nathan Norman
MidcoNet  410 South Phillips Avenue  Sioux Falls, SD
mailto:finn@midco.net           http://www.midco.net
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