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Re: Getting there

On Friday, June 18, 1999 at 12:56:27 -0500, Stephen Pitts wrote:
 > From: Stephen Pitts <smpitts@midsouth.rr.com>
 > Message-ID: <[🔎] 19990618125627.A4737@ender.midsouth.rr.com>
 > X-UIDL: e236d40fc7e3969470a62cf744eea703

 > safe in the fact that 33 MB worth of email is safe inside of the 
 > mbox-format files. A combo gives you a tremendous amount of flexibilty.

As the saying goes, "Do one thing and do it well."

There are good reasons why the MTA/MUA/MDA divisions exist.  The
"all-in-one" apps attempt to incorporate watered down versions of each
function, or end up becoming bloatware.  Additionally, they allow the
end user of each (be it a sysadmin at the MTA level, or a "user-user" at
the MUA level) to choose which product best fits his/her personal tastes.

They also allow one buggy product to be replaced if needed, without
removing the proven functionality of the other, solid, components of
the picture.

The opposite perspective would be to <gasp> try to convince people that a
web browser is in fact an integral part of an operating system and can't
be removed. :-)  (Who would believe such a thing?  Who would believe
anyone would try to convince others of such a thing?  Who would believe
anyone would attempt to be viewed as credible after such a ridiculous
claim?  What kind of idiots would they think we are if they believed we
would fall for such?  ARE we-the-public that stupid? ;-) )


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