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Re: PPP troubles.....

	Subject: PPP troubles.....
	Date: Wed, May 19, 1999 at 02:30:59PM -0400

In reply to:Koyote

Quoting Koyote(koyote@paonline.com):
> Heya!
> Here's where I have been:
> I started trying to set up a pp connection a few months ago. I can't
> sit and hack this full time, as I have jobs (in the plural) taking up
> a *lot* of my time. I've been through ezppp, wvdial, hand hacking,
> gnome-ppp, and I just haven't gotten anywhere. I have learned a lot
> about ppp in theory, though.

I don't see that you have tried pppconfig yet.  That one program, if
run correctly, will be sucessful 99.9% of the time.  What I mean by
'correctly' is: Read the Instructions before you answer the questions.

As I already had ppp scripts I just flew thru the pppconfig script and
didn't get it working, the first time.  Knowing that it 'had' to work,
I took my time and run it again and 'read' everything the 2nd time.

If you fall into the .1%, I am sure thet the problem can/will be fixed
within munutes of you posting to this group.  


"... one of the main causes of the fall of the Roman Empire was that,
lacking zero, they had no way to indicate successful termination of
their C programs."               -- Robert Firth
Wayne T. Topa <wtopa@mindspring.com>

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