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Re: Stability

In foo.debian-user, you wrote:
> I will shortly be taking a two week vacation, and sadly, I have to leave my
> trusty box behind *schniff* .. It has to stay running, however, because a
> local user group relies on it for mail and web serving. There is no one else
> who will have access to the machine, so I need to ensure that it will stay
> up no matter what. Does anyone have any ideas as to how I should tweak the
> system to make sure it behaves? I have the obligatory UPS, and on the event
> of a kernel panic, it'll reboot itself after a ten second delay, but is
> there anything else?
> I'd be interested in hearing any ideas you may have.

Just make sure that your UPS daemon does the right thing during a
powerdown... doesn't send a halt signal until you are sure that
the UPS has received a cycle-power signal.

I've seen power-strips that allow you to cycle-power from a touch
tone phone, but that may be overkill in your case.  Consider the
following and take heart:

[portal]$ uptime
  1:50am  up 205 days, 13:05,  1 user,  load average: 0.08, 0.02, 0.00

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