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Re: Star Office 5 & Potato/Glibc2.1??

>>>>> "Rick" == Rick Cosby <rcosby@zebra.net> writes:

    Rick> Hmm - that would only work if it were installed.  I can't
    Rick> get it installed at all ....

- Create a directory named /usr/local/slink, and get and untar the
  following file in there:

- Get and untar 'so501_01.tar' into /usr/local/slink/tmp
     # cd /usr/local/slink/tmp
     # tar xvf /path/to/so501_01.tar

- Enter a 'chroot' environment inside this new base, after copying
  some needed files from your real environment:
     # cd /usr/local/slink
     # cp /etc/{hostname,hosts,resolv.conf} etc/
     # chroot .

- Get the 'xfree86-common' and 'xlib6g' packages
     # apt-get update
     # apt-get install xfree86-common xlib6g
- Setup a few other preliminaries:
     # mount -t proc proc /proc
     # export DISPLAY=localhost:0

- Install StarOffice inside the chroot environment:
     # cd /tmp/so501/so501_inst/
     # ./setup /net

- Install to the same directory that you would in your real
  environment (e.g. "/usr/local/staroffice").

- Exit the chroot environment:
     # umount /proc
     # exit

- Move neccessary files from this slink directory out to the "real world":
     # mkdir /usr/local/glibc20
     # mv /usr/local/slink/lib/* /usr/local/glibc20
     # mv /usr/local/slink/usr/local/staroffice /usr/local/

- Clean up:
     # cd ~
     # rm -r /usr/local/slink

- Copy the StarOffice script to a location in your search path:
     # cp /usr/local/staroffice/bin/soffice /usr/local/bin/

- Apply the attached diff to /usr/local/staroffice/bin/soffice:
     # patch /usr/local/staroffice/bin ~/soffice.diff
  (Assuming you saved 'soffice.diff' in your home directory)

  If you want to make the changes manually, that's fine too.  You
    o Remove any dependency on positional parameters, such as $0.
      We will call 'soffice' not by itself, but as an argument
      to 'ld-linux.so.2'.  Therefore, all positional parameters
      will be off by one.

    o Make /usr/local/glibc20 the first directory in $LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

    o Modify the call to 'soffice.bin' ($sd_binary), so that it
      is an argument to /usr/local/glibc20/ld-linux.so.2

Unfortunately, StarOffice will come up complaining about not being
able to open the file /usr/local/staroffice/bin/soffice.bin, which is
now an argument to ld-linux.so.2.  The only way to fix this would be
to modify this version of ld-linux.so.2 so that it "shifts" arguments
in the argv[] table it passes to soffice.bin (i.e. the first argument
becomes argv[0], instead of argv[1]).  Not a terribly difficult task,
if anyone feels inclined.

Another approach is to start Soffice from within a slink chroot
environment, after mounting /home (from something like
localhost:/home, if exported).  (I.e. not remove the 'slink'
environment after installation).

Good luck!

Attachment: soffice.diff
Description: Binary data

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