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Re: ip-down does not stop ip-up's "run-parts" on disconnect

John Leget writes:
> Hmm no help here then im running 2.2.5-ac3, potato, and i see its up to
> version 2.3.7-2.

I installed 2.3.6 from unstable.

> I dont think that alone is the problem "run-parts" ( invoked in both
> ip-up and ip-down ) does of itself not exit until all the scripts it is
> trying to run finish.

ip-up does not exit until run-parts exits.  2.3.6 won't start ip-down until
ip-up exits (or so the documentation says).

Try adding something like this at the top of ip-down:

while pidof run-parts
	sleep 1
sleep 1

Or, if you don't care if the ip-up stuff gets interrupted and you can be
sure that run-parts won't be running for any other reason,

killall run-parts

John Hasler
john@dhh.gt.org (John Hasler)
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

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