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ip-down does not stop ip-up's "run-parts" on disconnect


ip-down does not stop ip-up.d's "run-parts"

When "ip-up" runs it runs the scripts in "ip-up.d" using "run-parts".
This isn't working to well with me as i have several scripts in "ip-up"
which run in sequence - one after the other.
Thus if my line goes down my "ip-down.d" kills the current running
script in "ip-up.d" but "run-parts" from "ip-up" is still running and
simply proceeds to run the next script in "ip-up.d" by which time all my
kill scripts in "ip-down.d" have allready run, so i find with the next
reconnect things become a little messy :).

Now how do i kill "run-parts" launched by"ip-up", i have tried adding
killall run-parts
kill -9 $(pidof -x run-parts)
each into "ip-down" with not much success though ive had success when i
manually run "ip-down" <sigh>

No doubt im missing a few simple steps somewhere.  :(

Thanx for your help


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