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Re: Do We Need a New Evangelist?

>>>>> "bruce" == bruce  <bruce@perens.com> writes:

    bruce> Hi, Since Eric Raymond has expressed a desire to retire as
    bruce> Open Source evangelist, I've written an article "Do We Need
    bruce> a New Evangelist?" discussing how he should be
    bruce> replaced.

Can I just point out that this is a huge pile of bullshit?

It's fairly obvious that Eric Raymond's essay was about taking crap
from others in the Open Source community.  I'm guessing the
instigation was the recent flap over the Apple license, where 3+
groups came forward after OSI had endorsed the license cutting him all
to pieces over it.  That's just my guess, though.

It's a pretty sarcastic and passive-aggressive move on his part,
admittedly, but anyone can also see the exhaustion wearing through,

This little essay by you, Mr. Perens, is equally stupid.  You
obviously understood ESR's essay, but chose to take it literally to
make your point.  Real cute.  Did you really not understand, "So if
you can't lead and you won't follow, at least try not to throw shit at
the luckless bastard on the spot."?

It's apparent that the two of you, and others, are willing to continue
this stupid infighting out in the public for all to see.  Whatever
strides you may make for the Open Source community, you're doing it
grievous harm by airing your personal differences in public.  One step
forward, three steps back.

Inside our world, we understand cooperation and collaboration are the
keys to making good software.  But to the outside world, Free Software
looks like a bunch of showboating 6-year-olds hamming it up to get all
the attention.

Apologies are in order on all sides.  Get this over with.  I say you
should either get together and work out your personal differences in
private or shut the fuck up and get off the stage.  You're humiliating
the rest of us.


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