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Re: Where is "/etc/rc.d/rc.local" on Debian?

On 28 Mar 1999, Miquel van Smoorenburg wrote:

> Okay, I am vendor X and want to put my boot script somewhere.
> a) where do I put it
> b) at which priority
> c) in which runlevel
> Oh that's different between Redhat Debian Suse Slackware etc and I
> have to create packages for all of them you say?
> Oh well I guess I'll just create an RPM for RedHat then

No, no, no.  The standard should state a clear init layout and all the
vendors (including Red Hat should adhere to it).  Example: you pick SysV
and rc.local and company go away on ALL distributions. They all have
exactly the same init structure ... not some creepy interface that tries
to make something work with all of the existing init layouts.

If I am a vendor I know that my init script goes in
/etc/rd<runlevel>.d/S54whatever on EVERY distribution. OR I know it goes
at the end of rc.local on EVERY distribution. I don't care which standard
you use for the layout just pick one and stick with it.

What I DO NOT want to see is a continuing situation where each distro has
a completely different layout and some goofy interface is worked out that
allows a vendor not to care which one it has. You end up with a bunch of
bloated code that tries to look for any situation and act accordingly
rather than tiny code that already KNOWS how everything is laid out so it
does not need to discover which distro it is running on etc.

Linux is getting worse than Unix.

George Bonser

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