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Spliting messages between different mail-boxes?


For the last few weeks I've been following the list and have messages from
the list going to a seperate pop-mail box at my ISP. At the moment I'm
reading the list from Outlook Express and have a filter that puts all
messages from this mail-box into a seperate mail folder in Outlook.

I would like to be able to do all my email from the debian box (am i
supposed to say Linux, Debian/GNU Llinux, or GNU Linux) anyway. I have smail
working to send messages to the local users on the debian box and when I am
online I use 'runq' to send any outgoing messages tomy ISP's mail server.
I'm using elm to read/write messages and I'm using 'fetchmail' to download
messages from the pop server and put them into my mail box. What I would
like is a way to have fetchmail pick-up the list messages but instead of
having them end-up with my other messages put them somewhere else. I
understand that elm can be told to read from any location. I don'y want to
have to create a seperate user name for reading the list (but I could do as
a last resort). I have read the docs for the 3 programs but can't see a good
way to do this. Maybe forwarding messages into a different location? Any
information would be greatly appreciated, on how other people have solved
this problem or on what other sources of information are avialable. Thanks

Andy Holmes


"The path of my life is strewn with cow pats from the devil's own satanic
herd!", Edmund Blackadder

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