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A question about an exim filter rule...

I've converted my procmail rules to exim filter rules - very nice!  There's 
one I can't figure out how to do though, and I don't really like the idea
of calling procmail from an exim filter :-)

Here's the procmail rule:
ARCHIVE=mail-`date +%Y-%b`.spool

:0 c:

So, I want to save all articles that reach a certain point in a file:

If you're interested, it's for GNUs splitting.  I can then archive all
incoming and outgoing mail for a month in one archive group in GNUs.

Anyways, thanks for any tips.

+------------------------- pgp key available --------------------------+
| Dale E. Martin |  Clifton Labs, Inc.  |  Senior Computer Engineer    |
| dmartin@clifton-labs.com    |    http://www.clifton-labs.com         |

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