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Re: Vote Linus for Person of the Century

George Bonser wrote:
> On Fri, 5 Mar 1999 matthschulz@gmx.net wrote:
> > just did, but is this list not moderated, Jesus Christ is so far I now,
> > from a different century and he is on top?
> >
> > Matth
> Don't even think Linus should BE the person of the century. That honor
> probably goes to Thomas Edison. We owe our current culture and style of
> living to that guy. His experiments with his lightbulb led to the
> discovery of the "Edison effect" which led DeForest to do some more
> experiments which led to the Vacuum Tube which led to the Transistor,
> which lead to the IC Chip.  Not only was Edison's work responsible for
> laying the ground work for radio and television, he also played vital
> roles in bringing motion pictures and recorded music to the public.

True. I agree with you about electricity. It has made a HUGE impact on
our lives. So, I nominate gallileo, because (if I'm wrong, subsitute
some ridiculously ancient bod that experimented with electricity) he
messed about with electricity and frogs legs. This directly led to
further experimentation by a variety of scientists, (including Edison)
which ultimately led to a complete change in our [the western world's]

Oh OK, it was for this century. yes, it has to be Edison - he is the
earliest well known and significant (and american) electricity
experimenter in this century. Best choose him. Not the first, but the
first you could think of.

(no offence intended)

> Linus Torvalds is probablt important but nowhere near THE most important.
> Lets try to keep some perspective.
> --
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