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X & Font Problem

Hi guys:

Does anyone know where the font package that contains Adobe Helvetica is?
I used APT for getting blackbox's package from the frozen section. I also
grabbed the xfonts-100dpi and xfonts-75dpi packages, along with the basic
stuff (xfont-base etc etc) needed for running X.

When xdm loads it prompts me for user and password, then I enter it, screen
flashes and prompts me for the password again (same screen). I couldnt get
past this so I went back to the console (alt+ctrl+F1) and viewed

messages tells me that it couldn't find this specific font when trying to
load Blackbox, so it spits out the login prompt again in X.

So, I checked the /etc/X11/blackbox/Blackbox-config file and in the
titleFont and menuFont sections it calls for the font listed in my first
paragraph above:

titleFont: -adobe-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*
menuFont:  -adobe-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*


I'm running slink and I'm picking up packages via apt-get from the frozen
section of the ftp.


- Brian

P.S. I looked in the Graphics section
(http://www.debian.org/Packages/frozen/graphics/) and I couldn't find
anything (or didnt know what to get).

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