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RE: cpu used too much

zombie processes are the remains of a process that exited.  The reason
they hang around is that the parent process didn't do a "wait" on them.
As soon as the parent process exits, the zombie should be inherited by
init and init will clean them up.  Zombie's don't use any cpu and they
don't use any memory.  The only thing left is the entry in the process
table.  They don't hurt you except if you fill up the process table with
them (in which case you start seeing "cannot fork" errors).  I suppose
there could be circumstances where you would expect zombies but it is
usually considered a bug in the parent process.


>From: 	D'jinnie[SMTP:jinn@irony.org]
>Sent: 	Thursday, March 04, 1999 9:35 PM
>To: 	Debian User List
>Cc: 	The recipient's address is unknown.
>Subject: 	Re: cpu used too much
>speaking of things going into infinite loops and eating up CPU, is there
>any way to get rid of zombie processes? Good ol' kill -9 doesn't cut
>it...I don't want to reboot just to get rid of them :(
>The good thing about standards is that there are so many to choose from.
>        -- Andrew S. Tanenbaum
>D'jinnie/Jinn, encountered on IRC and select MU**. (jinn@irony.org)
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