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Re: Debian and Redhat - are most linux users missing the point?

On Sun, 28 Feb 1999, King Lee wrote:

> Sorry, bad choice of words.  I hope  that if debian gains "market share" 
> Red Hat may not be so dominant.

Well, I am not sure that Red Hat being so dominant is anything Debian can
change unless they want to get closer to commercial software vendors which
is not exactly their goal. There IS room for a commercial distribution
BASED on Debian that might be able to penetrate the business market (where
the vast majority of installed platforms are).

> If Slackware gained  market share at
> the expence of Red Hat, that would be equally good in my eyes. Not
> that I have anything against Red Hat,  but as I said in my original 
> post I am troubled by one distro becoming so dominant.  

Slackware MIGHT be able to do it but without a decent package tool, I
doubt it since Corel is not exactly going to ship you their source for
compiling on your system and there is little configuration control with
Slack.  As a matter of fact, this is how both Debian and Red Hat evolved
... making a standard configuration with a decent package manager
originally based on Slackware.

Were you a Linux user back when Slackware (or SLS) was the ONLY
distribution?  Corel has now announced that they are going to produce
their own distribution. That might put a bit of a hurt on Red Hat.

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