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Re: A question about HP DeskJet 710C

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On Wed, 24 Feb 1999, Peter Paluch wrote:

> Hello everybody,
> ================
> does any of you have some information about printing using Hewlett-Packard
> DeskJet 710C or 720C under Linux? Is it possible to use those printers
> under Linux? A friend of mine would like to buy one of those types but he's
> afraid that it can be a Windows-only printer.
> Thank you very much in forward.
> All the very best,
> Peter
> --
>                       *********************************
>                       * Peter Paluch                  *
>                       * Kukucinova 939/35             *
>                       * 024 01 Kysucke Nove Mesto     *
>                       * Slovakia, Europe              *
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Eugene Sevinian

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