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Re: Plog

> > I've , for whatever reason I had (dunno why I did this), deleted
> > /var/log/ppp.log
> > SInce then none of the plog messages appear.
> I don't know the correct solution to your problem, but you could try this:
> Do "touch ppp.log" to create the file, then use chown and chmod so
> that the file has the right permissions and ownerships.  Ie, the
> directory listing should look like:
> -rw-r-----   1 root     adm              0 Feb 24 15:34 /var/log/ppp.log

I've tried doing that, but still nothing gets written into the file, when
pon is called. I can write into it by piping the output to the file just
fine, and then plog just shows me the right output (whatever I piped into
the file), but pon refuses to send any data into it.
Where can I look for error messages, or what else can I do to fix this,
besides reinstall, which I am not sure will be possible, since ppp is a
dep. for too many packages.?

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