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Help!! Getting LILO working?

I've got Win98 set up on my first physical drive (about 760 megs) and
Linux swap drive as the second logical drive (60 megs) on it also.  On
the second phyical drive (6.1 gig) I've got the first partition as fat32
(2 gig), then Linux boot (about 100meg), and Linux everything else takes
up the rest.

When installing Debian and it comes to LILO I'm not given any choise as
to where I want to put it.  I just get a message that LILO on the second
drive most likely won't work, then I'm asked if I want to install it
anyway.  I say yes, but it dosn't work.  The computer starts up at
windows as if there was nothing else there.

Any ideas on how to get LILO to work with this configuration?
Thanks in advance.

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