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Adding ftp users?

        Hi, I have what is probably a stupid question. :).

        How should I add a "real" user to my wu-ftpd server? 

        I suppose I could just copy my /etc/passwd to the ~ftp/etc/passwd, but
is this secure? And will I have to do it again everytime I add a new real user?
I can't hardlink to /etc/passwd because /home/ftp is on its own partition...? I
haven't seen much about this in the relevant manpages and wuftpd FAQ. "adduser"
and "addftpuser" scripts don't seem to be much help either.

Thanks for all advice!

E-Mail: Timothy Hospedales <timothy@smasher.rs.itd.umich.edu>
Date: 14-Jan-99
Time: 16:29:03

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