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Setting Prompt

    OK, I did a search in Debian user's and came up with the the
following to change my prompt:

In   /etc/profile  I added the line,
export PS1='\h:\w\$ '

This is the readout I got,

This wasn't what I wanted I only want the current working directory to
show.  I took a look at the man page for  bash.  It said that "\w" would
list my working directory.  So I tried the following:

If I use,
export PS1='\w:\\$ '

I get,

I tried several other combinations, a few I tried,

None of these worked.

Here is what my  /etc/profile  looks like:

~:$ cat /etc/profile
# /etc/profile: system-wide .profile file for bash(1).


export PATH PS1
export PS1='\w:\\$ '
setleds -D +num$

umask 002

What am I doing wrong here?  I just want my prompt, as a regular user,
to look something like this:
/home/kent $
As root my prompt has the working directory listed.  Where is the file
for the root prompt?  Maybe I could just look there and figure out how
to set my regular user prompt?

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