Upgrade has hosed my system :-(
Well after my last post I decided to go ahead and try upgrading one of my
Debian 1.3.1 systems.,,, and now I have a hosed box :-(
I used apt-get (on the CD) to upgrade, after being told by many of you it
was better than the .sh method.
I first edited the /etc/apt/sources.list file, so that it pointed at my
deb file:/cdrom/debian stable main
I then ran "apt-get update"
All appeared to be going well, no error messages etc. SO I continued to the
next part suggested in the README, and ran "apt-get -f dist-upgrade".
Now this appeared to be updating/installing EVERYTHING from the Debian 2.0
CD, which is NOT what I wanted, but I let it continue. After a while it
stopped strutting it's stuff... all appearing OK.
So I then tried to run "apt-get install timezones locales" like the read
suggests. But I get the Error...
apt-get: can't load library 'libstdc++.so.27'
And am unable to continue any futher !
How can I recover from this. If I use dselect to see whats installed,
everything is shown as a 'broken' package :-(
BTW: Please Cc any replies to me via email, as I am still awaiting for
confirmation I am back on the debian-user list !
Thanks in advance.
Nidge Jones
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