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How to use a ramdisk?

The HOWTOs talk about ramdisks as part of the install process, but not
as something I can use every day.  Assuming that I *can* have a ramdisk
on hamm, how do I set it up?

So far, I've:
put 'ramdisk=2000' in my /etc/lilo.conf file (and run lilo).  dmesg tells
me that 16 2000K ramdisks were set up, but free shows that no memory is
consumed so I assume there's another step to making them available.

I want only one, BTW. :-)

What's next?  I'd expect to need to put something in /etc/fstab, but
what's the device file? (/dev/ramdisk?)  What if I want more than one?
And what's the expected/traditional mount point?  The fstype?  Is
there any further configuration to be done?

How do I use ramdisks once they're created?  Just copy my files to the
disk and symlink to them from where they're expected to be?  What do I
do to ensure that the files are written to (real) disk on shutdown or
at predefined intervals?

I'm so full of questions.  Surely there's documentation on this
somewhere.  But: Where?


--Eric House

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