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Re: What I really like is the way FreeBSD has laid out there port making system.

On Tue, Nov 24, 1998 at 11:55:24PM -0500, Edward Ing wrote:
> I liked it so much, I downloaded the FreeBSD port making tree into linux and
> tried a "make install."
> It didn't work of course. But anybody got and idea about how much work it
> would take to get whole ports structure paralleled for Debian or Redhat? All
> the code is open, I believe.

There's not really much need, as I see it. A FreeBSD port consists
off some control info and a patch; the makefile grabs the source
off the net, applies the patch, and compiles and installs the software.

Debian source packages also consist of the upstream source and a patch.
However, we provide precompiled binaries for all the packages where
FreeBSD do not. 

Because we provide binary packages, you can remove the software
with "dpkg -r <packagename>"; there's no easy way to remove something
installed through a port on FreeBSD, because there's no packaging

Hamish Moffatt VK3TYD              hamish@debian.org, hamish@rising.com.au
Latest Debian packages at ftp://ftp.rising.com.au/pub/hamish. PGP#EFA6B9D5
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