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Locale 'C'

Hello Everybody,

I am having this error message come up when I start Netscape (4.05) 
netscape: locale `C' not supported.
And then some blurb about the $XNLSPATH.

An error similar to this is occuring in my .xsession-errors file
Warning: locale not supported by Xlib, locale set to C
Warning: X locale modifiers not supported, using default

What is this all about (I assume that they are related)
Trevor Glen.

E-Mail: Trevor Glen <Trevor.Glen@iweb.net.au>
Date: 21-Nov-98
Time: 09:52:42

Scully to Mulder: "Why did you lie to that man?"
Mulder to Scully: "I merely participated in a campaign of mis-infomation"

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