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Re: absolute beginner !

*- Ralph Winslow wrote about "Re: absolute beginner !"
| Peter Iannarelli wrote:
| > 
| > Hay there absolute beginner:
| > 
| > That pretty good for a first go around.
| > 
| > To uncompress the .gz files. Use gunzip <file-name>.
| Rather than that you could leeve them compressed thereby saving sapce,
| and
| gzcat wherever/whatever.gz | less

Or you could put the following in your .login/.cshrc or whatever startup
file for your shell. (this works for my tcsh shell)

eval `/usr/bin/lesspipe`

and then less will automagically open all kinds of tar, gzip, etc files.

So then you just 

less wherever/whatever.gz

Good luck,

"Never criticize anybody until you have walked a mile in their shoes,  
 because by that time you will be a mile away and have their shoes." 
							   - unknown  

Mechanical Engineering                              servis@purdue.edu
Purdue University                   http://www.ecn.purdue.edu/~servis

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