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dpkg/apt-get madness

I tried "apt-get dist-upgrade" in order to upgrade to slink.
Yes, I know slink is "unstable" so I might get some trouble.

Packages were downloaded and processing started, then the trouble began:  
I noticed that "startx" disappeared!  
Ok, this is probably temporary, I thought.  The new xserver package was
not yet configured.  Then apt-get ended with an error. I tried re-running
"apt-get  dist-upgrade" and "dpkg --configure -a" several times, and the
problem seemed to be with the emacs20 package.  It could not be
configured, any attempt ends in "memory errors" or "subprocess returned an

I wanted X back, so I decided to get rid of emacs instead.  I don't use it
much anyway.  "dpkg -r <emacs-packages>" removed everything except from
"The package is in a very bad inconsistent state - reinstall it before

Now this is a message even microsoft couldn't done better...
I can't install emacs20 because that doesn't work.  It fails
without giving me any clues.  Removing it is impossible also, only this
stupid idea that I should install it first.
"dpkg --purge emacs20" has the same problems as "dpkg -r emacs20" The root
partition is 95% full, I don't get any "no
space left" messages but wonder if this may be a problem anyway.

I would like to get rid of this emacs20 nonsense so 
the x-server and a few other remaining packages can be configured. any
ideas to what I should do now?

Helge Hafting

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