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Will the release of Debian 2.0 support SyQuest removable drives in any
way?  I know there is a way to make the Iomega parallel port version of
the zip drive work in Linux, but not the SyQuest EZFlyer.  Is there going
to be any support for the SyQuest parallel port drives and/or any other
SyQuest removable drives?


| ratirh@lore.cs.purdue.edu : Role-Player, Babylon 5 fanatic      1997-98 |
| Homepage: www.cs.purdue.edu/homes/ratirh (Careful it's not completed)   |
| "The past brings pain, the future depression,                           |
|  the present disappointment.  The only thing that remains is the moment.|
|  Live for the moment, and enjoy life.  You only have one chance. "      |

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